The most important part of our day is to carve out space to encounter God. This is the foundation for all of life–learning to live in God’s presence. It is almost as if this is our practice for heaven.
As this world as we know it ends, our God of unfailing love will introduce a new and different church that is described in Revelation. This will be a church, not identified by a building, but by the presence of our God of unfailing love. Our faces will shine bright as we finally see Jesus face to face. A river of life will flow from the throne of Jesus.
In our society today, there is a longing–not for organized religion or denominational membership–but for the kind of love that is only found in Jesus. A longing for the kind of life-changing relationships that are only found with God and His people.
Remember, friends, God’s design for heaven is His desire for earth. We are a people of hope, and in this hope, we are invited to practice life in God’s presence. We are invited to practice being a new and different church. We are invited to practice a river of life mindset, taking Jesus with us wherever we go and in whatever we do.
We are invited to live bright lives and let Jesus shine through us.