Saturday Night Kid Worship (birth-age 5)
Kids on Saturday evening get to engage in worship songs, Bible stories, crafts and activities related to what they learn, as well as some free play.
Saturday Night Kid Worship (birth-age 5)
Kids on Saturday evening get to engage in worship songs, Bible stories, crafts and activities related to what they learn, as well as some free play.
Nursery Care (birth up to age 2)
Kids Worship (Preschool-5th grade) – kids engage in whole group worship and then break up into age groups to learn about God and how Bible stories apply to them now. There is often a craft or other activities to enjoy.
Family Weekend (1st Sunday of the month) – Kids join their families in the Sanctuary for worship. There will be a special Kids’ Moment in the service and Kids bags.
Kids Konnect (birth-5th grade) – during discipleship time from 10:45-12:00 and programming is available to families signed up for a discipleship option during the 2024-25 ministry season.
Preschool and school age kids will engage with other children spending time playing together in the gym and in the Kids Min hallway.
Throughout the year be on the lookout for fun activities for the kids and entire family!
Parents are an important part of our Pearce Kids Min! We aim to work alongside families to bring spiritual growth to the children in our program. If you ever have questions or are looking for more resources to use outside of weekend worship, please contact Pastor Kim at
The safety and care of the children is of the utmost importance to us at Pearce Church. All of our volunteers are required to complete a background check and screening. All children attending progrmaming are required to sign in each week, allowing our Kids Min Team to have easy access to emergency contact information, allergies, and other needs a child may have.