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“Free To Serve” Campaign

Frequently Asked Questions…

What if we do not reach our goal of $2M?

The Official Board approved our order of priority is Compassion First, Debt Retirement, and Capital Projects. Pearce will give a tithe of whatever we raise to our two Compassion projects. After that, we will pay down as much debt as possible. Finally, our Capital Projects will be prioritized according to the most urgent needs first. The fire alarm system is a critical need that must be upgraded.

What if we exceed our goal of $2M?

Our Compassion First initiatives will receive a tithe of whatever we raise. Pearce’s list of Capital Projects and their related costs will be prioritized and addressed in order of urgency and importance in helping meet our mission.

How long is the Free to Serve Campaign?

The preparation and implementation of Free to Serve will take place over the next six months. The campaign involves making a pledge, or commitment, to give over and above regular giving for a three-year period of time, starting November 24, 2024 and concluding November 28, 2027.

What if my financial situation changes after I make a commitment?

There will be annual opportunities throughout the three-year giving period to renew or adjust pledges to Free to Serve. If God has blessed financially a commitment could be increased. If challenges have made one’s financial situation more difficult, a commitment could be reduced.

Why are we setting such an overwhelming goal of two million dollars?

Paying off Pearce’s debt, preparing for crucial facility needs, and blessing ministries beyond Pearce honors God and will help Pearce’s mission. This is a large challenge. However, trusting God to help us, and based on our congregation’s faithfulness in giving over the years, we believe the goal is possible. The goal will stretch our faith, require dependence on God, and involve making sacrifices to achieve it.

Pearce is not as large as it was when the loan was taken out. How will we turn this around?

The vision for building the addition that resulted in the debt was to expand our ministry to the community. Sadly, the church has decreased, rather than increased in size during that time. However, the community around us continues to need Jesus. Eliminating the debt will better resource and prepare Pearce to share the Good News with our neighbors so that we can grow the church, increase the Kingdom of God, and realize the original vision for expanding the facility. We will rely on prayer and faith to sustain us.

Will people be pressured to give?

The journey of generosity and giving is a sensitive one. We care for and respect every person and family in our church, no matter their situation. People will not be pressured to give. However, everyone will learn the vision for Pearce to be free to serve by eliminating debt, preparing for facility needs, and helping ministries beyond our church. All will be asked to pray earnestly about how to be involved in the realizing the vision through prayer, service, and giving. Ultimately, God wants more for us than he wants from us. The journey of seeking God will provide accelerated spiritual growth for all who participate. We will do our best to communicate the need and help everyone understand how they can be involved in giving toward this project, and then trust the Lord for the outcome.

How and when will money be allocated toward the goals?

Money will be directed toward the three areas of the campaign as gifts are received (compassion, debt, capital projects). A tithe of the gifts will be given to the Compassion First initiatives at regular intervals, such as quarterly. Depending on the amount pledged, the rest will be given toward debt retirement first, then capital projects based on urgency and need. For example, the fire alarm system and internet wiring projects must be addressed soon. Roof replacement will need to be handled before there is a system failure. Some projects that are not as urgent can wait until more critical needs can be met.

How will the congregation be informed about progress in the campaign?

Communication of progress and plans will occur throughout the campaign. This will include information on total gifts received, giving toward Compassion First projects, payments toward debt retirement, and capital projects planned or underway. Additionally, individual reports will be provided on people’s commitments and giving on a quarterly basis or as requested.

What if a crisis occurs during the three-year giving period?

If an unexpected event or disaster occurs, church leadership will evaluate the situation and prayerfully discern how to address it. We are committed to clear interaction and transparency with the congregation should any changes in the direction of the campaign be needed due to a crisis.

What budget planning is there for future needs to avoid debt in the future?

Fortunately, we have room in our facility to grow into it. We are a bit like a young couple with no children living in a four-bedroom house. However, we intend to pour our energy and resources into reaching our community. We want to engage people with Jesus’ love and enfold them into God’s family. As we grow, we will fill up more of the Pearce house with new believers. With debt paid off, we can set aside more reserve funds for future capital needs, as well as ministry.

How can we help families overwhelmed with their own financial debts/burdens?

Free to Serve will give ample opportunity to educate and inspire people in how to address financial challenges in their own lives. Classes on budget planning, personal finance, debt reduction, stewardship, and generosity will help people who are struggling with money pressures. Financial coaching will be available by people who are gifted and passionate about helping others become financially secure.

What kind of renovations are included in the capital projects of the campaign?

The sanctuary, narthex, and foyer have not been updated in over thirty years. While a major overhaul is not necessary, several projects could be considered to improve these spaces and make them more suitable for worship and fellowship. For example, parts are no longer available for our aging lighting system. New fixtures are much more energy efficient and cost saving. The windows are not able to be opened and are not energy efficient. Our technology systems would benefit from an upgrade, including sound, projection, computers, and cameras. Many people worship online and studies show that people exploring faith usually tune in to church services before deciding to attend. Our narthex, foyer, and lobby could use a refresh to improve appearance and increase the opportunity for interacting and building relationships in those spaces. Money from the campaign is being set aside to provide a resource for renovations or improvements that could be made. More research will be needed by a task force to consider what projects and priorities would best fulfill our mission. We are faithfully open to God’s leading for these projects and the task study group will help in that discernment. Input from the congregation will be sought and clear communication given on plans as they develop.

What do the Compassion First initiatives look like?

  • Heart and Soul Free Methodist Church in Rochester has a history of faithful ministry in a challenging section of the inner city. Due to limited resources, major ministry initiatives and facility improvements/additions are difficult, if not impossible. Heart and Soul is growing and reaching its community. A major gift from Pearce’s Free to Serve Campaign would make a major impact on their ministry. Being close by, Pearce will have opportunities besides giving to serve and be involved in helping the church thrive.


  • The International Childcare Ministries School in Managua, Nicaragua, is an incredible opportunity to help a vital Free Methodist Ministry in one of the poorest countries of the western hemisphere. Two FM schools there have outgrown their facility. By purchasing another school that is available with existing classrooms, middle and high school students can be relocated to the new location, and the two current schools can be used for elementary students. The schools in Managua reduce the risk of students getting involved in drugs or being trafficked, lift them from poverty, and prepare them for a life of service to their community. The cost of the new building is $200,000. A major gift from Pearce would cover up to half of the cost.

Will Pearce’s Compassion First commitment impact support of Nzige, Rwanda?

Pearce has a ten-year relationship with Nzige. Support for Nzige continues largely through people’s commitment of child sponsorship through the Free Methodist International Childcare Ministries. Pearce attendees recently sponsored ten new children in Nzige, praise the Lord. Helping purchase a building for a school in Managua, Nicaragua is a unique opportunity to support a different need. However, it will not replace the support given to Nzige, Rwanda.